Codeforces Beta Round #37 B. Computer Game

Computer Game


3 100 29
100 10
100 10
100 10
import itertools

N,max,reg = map(int,raw_input().split())
pow = [0]*N
dmg = [0]*N
for i in range(N):
    pow[i],dmg[i] = map(int,raw_input().split())

history = []
used = [False]*N

HP = max
for t in itertools.count():
    prev = HP
    for i in range(N):
        if used[i]:
            HP -= dmg[i]
    HP = min(HP+reg,max)
    if HP<=0:
        print "YES"
        print t, len(history)
        for s in history:
            print s

    s = -1
    for i in range(N):
        if ( not used[i] and
             100*HP<=max*pow[i] and
             ( s==-1 or dmg[i]>dmg[s] ) ):
            s = i
    if s!=-1:
        used[s] = True
        history += ["%d %d"%(t,s+1)]
    if HP==prev and s==-1:
        print "NO"